Why is hawaii hotels so expensive right now?

Scarcity means that prices are higher than normal for everything. While you can still find flight deals from time to time, hotels are very expensive and Airbnbs are too, if you can find availability.

Why is hawaii hotels so expensive right now?

Scarcity means that prices are higher than normal for everything. While you can still find flight deals from time to time, hotels are very expensive and Airbnbs are too, if you can find availability. Hotels choose their prices based on supply and demand. But with so much demand from Maui, hotel rooms are always full and prices stay high.

From the price of milk in Hawaii to airline tickets, and everything in between, it's all here. While staying in a hotel will increase the cost of your trip to Hawaii, being able to relax in your own space and enjoy luxuries such as room service can be very appealing. If you've been to Maui, you've probably noticed that everything from breakfast in the morning to the taxi ride in the evening is expensive. Google “cheap hotels on (insert island) that will generate leads for you to pursue.

If you're looking for a wild night out, Hawaii's larger cities will have more party culture compared to small island towns. Patricia Artates, a resident of the interior of the country, has been looking for hotel rooms in West Maui for family birthdays later this month. We miss being there and are looking forward to returning to Hawaii, but we'll have to do it until the hotel and resort rates are reasonable. A key way to enjoy extra value is to book as a Four Seasons Preferred Partner guest to enjoy the highest priority for a possible upgrade, as well as free daily breakfast for two people and additional hotel credit.

Whenever I talk to someone about travel, they go to Hawaii or just return from the islands. And if you consider that much of Maui is windward and covered in lush vegetation with constant rainfall, the potential areas for hotels become even smaller. So what is the real cost of a trip to Hawaii? We only have a few more things to cover and then you'll have a pretty good idea. While high demand is undoubtedly one of the main reasons that lodging in Hawaii is expensive, the other reason is the additional taxes that hotels incur and which are passed on to the consumer.

Most hotels and restaurants are struggling with a labor shortage, as hospitality workers left the islands or changed jobs when Hawaii closed, and the increased spending to hire the few remaining workers and the higher cost of operating under COVID means higher prices.

Marcy Brzycki
Marcy Brzycki

General web expert. Hardcore web specialist. Unapologetic web trailblazer. Total food nerd. Avid beer specialist.